Crop Imagery and Analysis Technology
About the Technology
Bitwise Agronomy’s ‘Greenview’ technology is an artificial intelligence (AI) based software system that analyses crop imagery to provide a range of data and insights. Growers use off-the-shelf GoPro cameras attached to existing farm machinery to capture video footage while performing tasks such as mulching, mowing or spraying. The footage is uploaded to the GreenView system which uses AI to analyse and process the imagery. Based on this analysis, Bitwise provides, via an interactive dashboard, a range of crop data and insights including fruit count, yield estimations and maps. This information can be used to make informed decisions about picking schedules, irrigation, pest management and other aspects of crop management.
The Trial
The ‘Greenview’ system was deployed in two crops in the Bundaberg area – baby cucumbers and blueberries.
Ground truthing of trial results was undertaken by manually counting the flowers / fruit on selected ‘sample’ plants to compare with the number of flowers/fruit detected by Bitwise from the GoPro imagery of those same plants. A ‘visibility factor’ was then calculated as the ratio between the number of fruit / flowers detected on the sample plant by Bitwise and the number manually counted on that same plant. This visibility factor was then applied to all plants in the crop to estimate the total yield (fruit count) for each crop. This total yield estimate could be viewed by the grower via an online dashboard.
This case study provides an overview of findings from the technology trials including:
- Background
- What the technology is
- How the trial was done
- Results
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Grower feedback
- Additional considerations that should be taken into account when deciding whether to utilise the technology
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Presentation of this case study is for information purposes only. It does not constitute a commercial endorsement by the stakeholders of the Bundaberg Agtech Hub.
Trials conducted by Hinkler AgTech Initiative
The CQUniversity Hinkler AgTech Initiative was funded through the Hinkler Regional Deal. The Hinkler Regional Deal is a collaboration between the Australian Government, Bundaberg Regional Council and Fraser Coast Regional Council.
CQUniversity will not be liable for any damage arising directly or indirectly from reliance on information obtained from this document. It is provided in good faith without express or implied warranty. * All published costs and other details are current as of February 2023.